Executive Presence

Women's Mastermind Retreats

Women’s Mastermind Retreats



Do you feel unproductive, like you have a passive life plan, and that days are turning into weeks and years, and nothing is getting accomplished? Are you avoiding pursuing your own dreams and ideas because you either have no idea how to actualize them or are stuck in a rut? Maybe now that your kids are grown up you feel like your purpose is lost or irrelevant. If you are looking for direction and a spark to kickstart your future, this is the place to find it. Let Thierforce’s Women’s Masterminds help you embrace the here and now with a roadmap designed especially for your unique situation. Let Thierforce help you find your passion and purpose or grow the one you have already found! Why shouldn't your next decade be your BEST decade?! Declutter and push through the obstacles that are blocking your path to joy and fulfillment. How many people have you helped through the years? It's time for YOU to THRIVE!


What does your next decade look like?

As your kids got older and graduated, did you lose your network and close circle of friends? Do you need help shaping your life-vision? Do you want to articulate what moving forward looks like? Wouldn’t you rather have a strategic game plan? Let me help you to plan a future that causes you to spring out of bed, rather than hit the snooze button! Join me in the Nashville area September 30th - October 3rd for an unforgettable weekend. You may have been wondering for a long time what this next phase of your life would look like. You may have been unsure how to proceed. Unfortunately, life will pass you by whether you take action or do nothing. Come to my women's mastermind and learn how to take action!


What our retreats include:

• Female friendship & leadership • Communications coaching

• Conflict management • Giving & getting feedback

• Personalized life-coaching • Overcoming and eliminating bad thinking

• Targeted life planning • Building smart friendships


Dynamic guest speakers will share their experiences in overcoming obstacles, reinventing themselves, and embracing the unique set of challenges that accompany each new decade.

There will also be designated time to reflect and dig deep into the your pool of self-knowledge (fear not, if yours is shallow!) Together we will develop a personal plan to get you on the path to your best life. Michelle's proprietary "sticky note method" will get you started!

You will get to know the other women, finding a deeper and more meaningful connection with peers that is sometimes lost as our children grow up and we become empty nesters. Each woman attending has something to offer – and it's up to you to discover what that is.


If this sounds like the women’s retreat you’ve been looking for, click below to reserve your spot! When you RSVP, we will send you a workbook and invite you for a complimentary 45 minute virtual coaching session to prepare you for the retreat. This ensures that you are ready and prepared to get the most out of the Mastermind as possible! We can’t wait to meet you and get started.